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Consciousness, Energy and Future Science
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Consciousness, Energy and Future Science

Collected Articles from the Journal 'Future History' on the Evolution of Consciousness


This scientific textbook is a compilation of articles from our Journal Future History covering scientific areas such as Archaeology, Biology, Environment, Future Science and Consciousness. The articles explore new developments and advancements in technology and scientific discovery in each of these fields. From underwater excavations to genetic cloning, from remote-sensing to zero-point energy, from sacred geometry to higher consciousness, these essays contemplate the myriad different ways of creating a more holistic approach to not only science, but to all the issues that humanity faces today as a global community.

Paperback - 17x24cm - 400 Seiten

Gewicht: 0.9 Kg
Frage stellen
35.00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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